Ready to employ staff? How to know when you are ready to grow.

Are you ready to employ staff?

Going from self-employed to thriving business owner and employer of staff is a real milestone.

Knowing when to make the jump and how to employ someone as a sole trader may feel like a guessing game, but here are some tips to look out for to understand when it might be suitable to start looking to employ someone.

How do you know when you are ready to employ

Are you busy?

Are you really busy, so busy that you have to turn down work as there are just not enough hours in the day? If yes, this might be a sign that you are ready to hire someone to help support you in running the business. Don't forget; this doesn't have to be a full-time person; there are many options you can take to help carry the load.

You're not keeping up with the daily admin.

Accounts, paperwork, record-keeping, marketing, sales, getting the computer systems to work, researching, the list goes on, and then you must deliver the product or service. Some people thrive on doing the background tasks of work others outsource it. That could be through tech, or it could be a person.

You've found a skills gap.

Perhaps you need an expert salesperson to bring in more business (and that's not your thing), or you have a new product idea that requires abilities that are a bit beyond you. Having that gap signifies that you are ready to employ or need to reconsider your business plan. After all, someone has to do the job.

The struggles are real.

The day-to-day struggles of running a business are real, and lack of support, when needed, can cause an actual decline in critical areas, including your work-life balance. Through the membership ‘The People Team’, we talk through all the stages of hiring your first employee, from knowing when you are ready to setting them up for success.

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